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6 Medical Conditions That May Be Causing Your Neck Pain

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6 Medical Conditions That May Be Causing Your Neck Pain

Nearly everyone has experienced neck pain at some point. Sleeping in an odd position, craning your neck forward to text, or using poor posture to type are examples of how posture can cause neck pain.

Poor posture isn’t the only cause of neck pain. Several underlying medical conditions can also contribute to persistent or recurring neck pain. 

In this blog, Bradley A Silva, MD, double board-certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine, sheds light on six medical conditions that could be causing your neck pain and how we can help here at the Lakeshore Pain and Spine Center.

1. Cervical disc herniation

Cervical disc herniation is a leading cause of neck pain. This condition occurs when the soft, jelly-like center of the spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tough exterior. When this happens, the gel-like material puts pressure on nearby nerves, resulting in localized neck pain and radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in your arms.

2. Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition that affects your cervical spine (neck). All the wear and tear on your spinal discs means that your cartilage may wear down, and your bones can rub against each other. This condition can lead to the development of bone spurs and the narrowing of the spinal canal. This compression can cause neck pain, stiffness, tingling in your hands and arms, and limited range of motion.

Cervical spondylosis is also called cervical osteoarthritis. 

3. Cervical spinal stenosis 

Spinal stenosis happens when your spinal canal narrows, and when that happens in your neck, it’s called cervical spinal stenosis. Dr. Silva emphasizes that this narrowing can place pressure on your spinal cord and nerves, leading to neck pain, tingling, weakness, and even difficulty with coordination or balance.


Bone spurs, herniated discs, and spinal injuries can contribute to spinal stenosis. 

4. Whiplash

Whiplash, an injury resulting from the sudden back-and-forth motion of your neck, is a car accident injury but also develops after any incident that jerks your neck forward quickly. This injury can happen in sports collisions, a slip or fall, or even a fight. 

In addition to neck pain, you might also notice muscle stiffness, headaches, paresthesia (tingling sensation), and even dizziness.

5. Strains and sprains

Neck strains and sprains are two common causes of neck pain, but these conditions are often incorrectly interchanged. A strain refers to an injury, muscle, or tendon in your neck, while a sprain refers to an overstretched ligament. Neck sprains and strains may not always cause immediate pain. Interestingly, you might suspect you have a neck sprain or strain if you don’t notice any symptoms right away. It’s common for strains and sprains to cause pain hours or even a few days after your initial injury. 

6. Pinched nerve

Cervical radiculopathy, a pinched nerve in your neck, can result from herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or bone spurs. A pinched nerve, regardless of its location in your body or what’s causing it, happens when the nerve is compressed or irritated. 

You might suspect you have a pinched nerve if your pain accompanies numbness, muscle weakness, and pain radiating down your arm.

What’s causing your neck pain?

Many of these conditions have overlapping symptoms, so it’s hard to know what’s causing your neck pain without having any diagnostic images to confirm. Regardless, don’t hesitate to contact us! If you’re experiencing chronic or severe neck pain, visit our Kenosha, Wisconsin, office for an accurate diagnosis. 

Once Dr. Silva confirms the source of your neck pain, he customizes your treatment plan, potentially including medication, physical therapy, posture training and epidural injections, nerve blocks, and radiofrequency ablation, which are all available in our procedure suit.

Say goodbye to neck pain! Call us at 262-444-5660 or request an appointment online.